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April 28, 2020
The “Iron Maiden Gas Meter Cover”
June 5, 2020WaveXorb 12X24 Inches
WaveXorb sheets are what we use to enhance shielding of electrical panels such as electric meter boxes internal surfaces to prevent Smart Meter transmissions to infiltrate into the building from the backside of the meter. Using this product along with our “Iron Maiden” can provide excellent protection for your building.
I will provide installation pictures/video soon, it is simple to do, and will require an electrician to remove the electric meter from the meter box to provide access.
WaveXorb is very different than standard reflective materials such as aluminum foil, in that it absorbs the RF signal and routes it to ground because the meter box itself is grounded. When you use a reflective material it bounces the RF signal around actually amplifying its strength and it allows leakage thru the wires in the back side of the meter box into all of the house wires. WaveXorb acts like a sponge neutralizing the RF signal and does not allow the RF to reflect onto the house wires.
We sell WaveXorb in 12 x 24 inch sheets and depending on the size of the meter box will take up to 2 sheets of material to cover the inside of the meter box. It has a self adhesive backing that sticks to the metal surface of the meter box. You measure the panel surfaces and cut the sheet with scissors to the proper sizes. In some cases you can obtain a new meter box, fit it out the WaveXorb sheets and have your electrician just swap your old meter box with the new one you have modified.